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The above video is from Fox News’ “The Rise of Freedom."  In this recent broadcast, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith reports on the National 9/11 Flag, which was pulled from the World Trade Center site after 9/11 and is now being stitched back together as it travels the country. The flag will return to New York, where it will become part of the 9/11 Memorial Museum's collection.

By 9/11 Memorial Staff

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The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial


 Staff photographer Amy Dreher snaps a lot of pictures at the World Trade Center site, documenting the construction progress of the 9/11 Memorial. Amy also trains her lens on the smaller pieces that may be overlooked with a project of this magnitude. Thro

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Stone Street Tavern supports the 9/11 Memorial


Bring out your friends. Bring out the co-workers. Hockey is always on, and so is the fun. Stone Street Tavern in the Financial District is welcoming to all patrons, accommodating to your rough day at work or your latest bonus.  A recent supporter of the n

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