Oral Historians for 9/11 Memorial Museum hit the Road

Oral Historians for 9/11 Memorial Museum hit the Road


Sometimes, you just need to get out the office to get the job done. That was the case for 9/11 Memorial Museum staff members Amy Weinstein, Jenny Pachuki and Ryan Pawling, who traveled  to Florida for a "workation."

Tasked to interview residents of Palm Beach Gardens, many of whom were responders and family members of victims of to the Sept. 11 attacks, our dedicated crew made a point to get a better understanding of the family members lost on that fateful day.

"We want people to tell us what the person was like. Did they coach little league? What color were their eyes?" Amy Weisntein tells a reporter from The Palm Beach Post.

Members of the community were encouraged to sign up and interview at the Palm Beach Gardens City Hall from Dec. 4 to Dec. 5. Many made reservations and brought photographs to tell a more complete story of their lost loved one.

All are invited to help participate in the creation of exhibitions by sharing memories, objects, photos and other materials with the museum. Donate through our website or contact the Memorial and Museum by phone, 212 312 8800.

By Norm Dannen,  Public Affairs Associate


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