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The Thread Project: One World, One Cloth

Dawn Looming is one of seven large textiles woven by 49 weavers around the world who used threads and fibers sent by tens of thousands of people from every continent. Many weavers invited people from their community to help weave their cloth. In the first panel of Dawn Looming, one adult daughter wove in her deceased father's favorite violin music which had been recorded on cassette tape.

In some indigenous cultures, holy ones rise before dawn to "pray the sun up." Dawn Looming, streaked with the colors of sunrise, reminds us to awaken and "pray the sun up" as we seek to banish the darkness of predjudice and intolerance.

Weavers of Dawn Looming include:
~JoAnne Cook, California
~Louise H. Cortelyou, Pennsylvania
~Rhonda Burden, Dita Runkle, Judy McLaren,
Daryl Dancer-Wade, British Columbia
~Leonore Alaniz, Connecticut
~Vera L. Hazelgrove, Findon, Australia
~Catharine Murray, Tennessee
~Dorothy Carlsen, Georgia