the lens: viewing the 9/11 memorial


Staff photographer Amy Dreher snaps a lot of pictures at the World Trade Center site, documenting the construction progress of the 9/11 Memorial. Amy also trains her lens on the smaller pieces that may be overlooked with a project of this magnitude. Through “The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial,” readers of The MEMO blog can share some of the unique vantage points captured by Amy.

Stuck in memory: A bumper sticker on a U.S. postal truck reads “I Still Heart NY,” the lowercase “Ls” are shaped like the world Trade Center’s Twin Towers. The truck is a few blocks from the World Trade Center site. The U.S. post office on Church Street was closed for years after it was damaged on 9/11.  


By Michael Frazier, Sr. Communications Manager for the 9/11 Memorial

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The WTC's steel 'tridents' are returning to ground zero (Updated)

Salvaged from ground zero after the 9/11 attacks, the tridents are being resurrected and will greet visitors as they enter the pavilion of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

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9/11 Memorial Preview site offers "keepsakes" that support Memorial

 More than a million people have visited the 9/11 Memorial Preview Site at 20 Vesey St. At the preview site, they've learned more about the Memorial and Museum and the people killed on 9/11. Often times, they take something with them when they leave  - a

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