Julie Sweeney Roth

  • Family member
  • Spanish Language

Wife of Brian Sweeney, who was killed when Flight 175 struck the South Tower.



This story was filmed as part of our Anniversary in the Schools program, which introduces students to first-person accounts of the 9/11 attacks. Participate in this year’s free program by completing this registration form.

Teaching Guides

Find tailored questions below for teaching this story.

As you listen to Julie’s story, think about the following questions:

  • What did you learn about Brian from listening to Julie’s story?
  • What helped Julie move on and heal after 9/11?
  • What does “living every day to its fullest” mean? Why is it important?

As you listen to Julie’s story, think about the following questions:

  • When she describes Brian, Julie says, “I’ve never met, and I don’t think I’ll ever meet, anyone like him.” What details did you learn about Brian from Julie’s story?
  • What helped Julie move on and heal after 9/11?
  • What does “living every day to its fullest” mean to you?

As you listen to Julie’s story, consider the following questions:

  • When she describes Brian, Julie says, “I’ve never met, and I don’t think I’ll ever meet, anyone like him.” What details did you learn about Brian from Julie’s story?
  • According to Julie, what allowed her to heal and move on after 9/11?
  • Why are individual remembrances important when discussing an event that killed so many people, like 9/11?

Additional Resources

To learn more about Brian David Sweeney, visit Inside the Collection to view artifacts connected to his story. If you’re interested in hearing more 9/11 family member stories, visit our Webinar Stories archive.