Michael Hingson

  • Survivor
  • Spanish Language

9/11 survivor who escaped from the North Tower with his guide dog, Roselle



This story was filmed as part of our Anniversary in the Schools program, which introduces students to first-person accounts of the 9/11 attacks. Participate in this year’s free program by completing this registration form.

Teaching Guides

Find tailored questions below for teaching this story.

As you listen to Michael and Roselle’s story, think about the following questions:

  • How did Michael, Roselle, and David work together to escape the World Trade Center? How did they help others?
  • What are some words you might use to describe Roselle and her actions on 9/11?
  • Michael talks about how many people showed appreciation for Roselle for “what she was and what she did.” How do you show appreciation for people who encourage or inspire you?

As you listen to Michael’s story, think about the following questions:

  • How did Michael, Roselle, and David work together to escape the World Trade Center? How did they help others?
  • Why do you think Roselle was honored several times after 9/11?
  • In the years after the attacks, Michael has continued to speak about his experiences with Roselle on 9/11. Why do you think people continue to be so interested in his story?

As you listen to Michael’s story, consider the following questions:

  • As Michael, Roselle, and David descended the stairs of the North Tower and escaped the World Trade Center, how were they able to help other evacuees?
  • Why do you think Roselle was honored several times after 9/11?
  • In the years after the attacks, Michael has continued to speak about his experiences with Roselle on 9/11. Why do you think people continue to be so interested in his story?

Additional Resources

To learn more about the role of dogs after 9/11, explore artifacts connected to these highly skilled animals from the Collection, or read a blog post that highlights a few of these artifacts. If you’re interested in more survivor stories, visit our Webinar Stories archive.