2014-04-06 20.55.37_resized_7.jpg
Details -

A Minute of World Peace Project Wishes to donate a four sided post clock to the 9/11 Memorial. The intended purpose is to Honor the time 9/11 took place unambiguously as the first minute to be designated as A Minute of World Peace. It is with a heavy heart that I submit this proposal, as the events that took place on 9/11 changed the world that we all live in forever, and all life's directly connected to 9/11, and That is why with a heavy heart I created A Minute of World Peace Project. The purpose is that if by designating a minute of word peace that it will provide a platform for everyone in the world to think about world peace at the same time, it can and would happen. It is said that the power of thought is to be profound. No such platform is available at this time.People that think together, work together ,and if you build it they will come. We will never Forget. Thank you for you're consideration.