Richard Barry Ross and Stacey Leigh Sanders

Learn more about Richard Barry Ross, a passenger on hijacked Flight 11, and his daughter's best friend Stacey Leigh Sanders, who was at work in the North Tower, and leave a tissue-paper flower at their names on the 9/11 Memorial. Panels N2, N3.

Names arrangement by grouping
Richard Barry Ross and Stacey Leigh Sanders

Richard Barry Ross and Stacey Leigh Sanders’ names on the North Pool. Photo by 9/11 Memorial Staff.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Richard Barry Ross was a passenger on hijacked Flight 11. Stacey Leigh Sanders—the best friend of Richard’s daughter—was at work on the 96th floor of the North Tower. Both Richard and Stacey were killed when Flight 11 was deliberately flown into the North Tower at 8:46 a.m. Richard and Stacey had more in common; family members of both remember their selfless natures and willingness to go out of their way to help others.

Tissue-Paper Roses Activity

Activity Instructions

  • Choose two circles of colored tissue paper.
  • Pinch the center of the circle from the bottom and twist until it forms a cone shape.
  • Tape the end of the tissue paper cone to a piece of pipe cleaner to create a rose.

Think About It

  • Why do you think people leave items next to specific names on the parapets?