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I am a UK artist who has been listening to the 9/11 Memorial Museum's OUR CITY. OUR STORY podcasts and arrived at the interview with Eric  Fischl today. I was not previously aware of his role in this and the difficulties he initially had in getting his work based on 9/11 accepted.

For around a year I have been working on a a series of ideas for an exhibition provisionally titled ‘Moment Of Impact.’ The series attempts to treat documentary photographs of catastrophic events at their 'moment of impact’ as though they were high art; classically-influenced works.

The piece attached, ‘Giotto’s Lamentation for 911’ I now realise shares Eric’s intention to produce a work which the public would understand to be an inclusive interpretation of the tragedy. I watched the unfolding events live on TV, and feel just as entitled to make a statement about it as anyone else who used the news media in the same way. I have since visited NYC several times and something of the spirit of the city has rubbed off on me.

Mixed media
30" x 28"