Artists Registry

Raymond Antolik

Sandwich IL United States

    Statement of Work

    This axe was made for me by two local firefighters. It`s wood and comes with a full size handle. I use acrylic paints and then apply coats of sealer. The axe head in 12 inches tall and with the handle it`s 36 inches long.


    I spent my entire career in the specialty food business. My hobby was in wildlife and outdoor photography. Once retired I got the idea to paint some of my favorite photos.
    A friend of mine came to me with a request to paint a firemen`s axe for his son that was to graduate from the fire academy. He wanted something from 911. Since then I have painted many different axes for family`s , graduations and some memorials. One special Pulaski axe was for the Yarnell Fire District in Yarnell Arizona. The Memorial remembers 19 Granite Mountain Interagency Hot Shots who lost their lives on June 30 ,2013
    I`ve wanted to do an axe for 911 and donate to the Memorial for some time. I finished it last week and am hoping to get approval from the 911 Memorial to display it.

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