Artists Registry

Janine Anderson

Santa Monica CA United States

    Statement of Work

    In the days following the 9/11 tragedy in New York, the "A Community of Angels" public art project in Los Angeles, CA wanted to send an angel statue to the city of New York as a gift of love and support.

    It all began when Mr. Cal Winslow, who was affiliated with the Volunteers of America charity organization, wanted to bring a fund-raising, public art project to Los Angeles, CA. Mr. Winslow had seen similar art projects using life-sized, fiberglass cows in Chicago and New York. He decided to use life-sized angel statues for the project to go along with what Los Angeles is known as: "the city of the angels". The fiberglass angel statues were designed, created, and manufactured by the Sylvestri Company known for their custom mannequin creations for the fashion industry.

    A call to artists went out in December 2000 across Southern California. Artists were to be chosen and supported by numerous organizations both public and private. The completed, art-decorated statues would eventually be placed around the city of Los Angeles on streets, private and public buildings and public areas of interest. The project had angel statues displayed in the spring and summer months of 2001. At the completion of the project, the angels were auctioned at a gala event raising money for the Volunteers of America charity organization. The project was so successful that it ran again in 2002, with even more artists participation, much to the delight of the public. Two photo books were published for each year's event.

    The gift of the angel statue given to New York was called the "Angel of Remembrance - New York". Two artists, Janine Anderson and Eddie Lopez, were chosen from the project to create the artwork on the statue. Both of these artists had painted many custom pieces for the project. They donated all of their own time and talent to finish the angel for delivery in November 2001.

    Most objects sent to New York after the 9/11 tragedy wound up being warehoused in various areas in and around New York. After a while, some items were being distributed to various fire stations across New York. Harold E. McNeill of the EMS Station 31, noticed the angel statue in a warehouse and asked to take possession of it. He said that EMS Station 31 was known as "The Angels of the City" for their emergency paramedic response efforts. The angel statue was transferred to the EMS Station 31 and has been displayed in their truck bay outside of their offices ever since that time until today.

    For any further information, please contact:

    Janine L. Anderson, artist of the fiberglass angel statue, Angel of Remembrance - New York


    Phone (cell) (310) 780-2768