Artists Registry

Barrie Ashworth

Loughborough United Kingdom


    No art provided by this artist.

    Statement of Work

    I wrote a poem the day after 9/11 to express my distress at the events of that fateful day.I have just discovered your organisation and would like to submit it as a memorial.

    Where were you on 9/11 ?




    Where were you that fateful day?

    When death flew from a clear blue sky

    To raise two towers to the ground

    They raced to save those trapped above

    Those firemen driven on by love.


    Did your face contort in disbelief ?

    As images came over ethereal waves

    The noise, the dust the cries of men

    Then anger, sorrow grief and shame

    All mixed together gave us pain


    I saw the woman standing in a hole

    Made by a wing through glass and stone

    What thoughts were in her fearful mind ?

    As death was suddenly by her side

    There was no refuge, no place to hide


    Then people fell like falling rain

    Their frail bodies slamming into the ground

    I cannot imagine their last thoughts

    Perhaps the angels took their hands

    They came from many different lands


    What kind of men can plot such deeds

    They dupe the common man

    They are evil and know no god

    Their souls are bound for eternal hell

    They will not hear the heavenly bell


    Revenge is sweet the saying goes

    The bombs rain down and meet out death

    To those who embrace the evil ways

    God did guide us in our quest

    To find the plotters and the rest


    The world will never be the same

    No matter what your creed or land

    Somehow you will be touched by this event

    Lord shine upon us with thy face

    So this world may be a better place









    I am a senior British citizen who would like to contribute to the memory of the brave first responders, victims and others who were either killed or traumatised on 9/11.